The Chairman of National Union of Road Transport Worker, Oroki Branch, Osogbo, State of Osun, Kazeem Oyewale has been arrested by soldiers. Oyewale, notoriously known as Asiri Eniba, was reportedly arrested alongside some armed political hoodlums at Ojurin motor park, Old Garage, Osogbo, around 12:45pm.

Some residents of Osogbo who witnessed the arrest said Oyewale and the thugs were caught with two guns, cutlasses and Indian hemp.

According to the residents, the soldiers fired several warning gunshots into the air when some other thugs wanted to attack them. It was gathered that Oyewale who put on white native, had attempted to escape before he was cautioned by the soldiers.

One of the eye witnesses said: “The soldiers came with a hilux vehicle. They went straight to where Asiri and his boys were. The soldiers took strategic position and surrounded the building where Asiri and his boys were.

“Some of them went inside and we where hearing noise. They later matched out Asiri and like five of his boys. Two of the boys were with guns.

“When the soldiers were matching them into bus, some thugs were throwing stones at the soldiers and that forced them to be shooting sporadically. The gunshots were much.”

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